Cavendish School was graded 'Good' when inspected in November 2022. The report identifies many strengths to be proud of:
- Pupils are happy in school
- Pupils’ behaviour is a strength
- Pupils are kept safe in school
- Leaders have designed a broad curriculum
- Teachers typically check what pupils know and remember well
- Pupils’ reading is a priority
- There is a love of reading across the school
- Pupils behave well in and beyond the classroom
- In lessons, there is a calm, positive attitude to learning with no disruption to learning
- Older children show particular care for younger ones
- Pupils’ personal development is well considered
- There is a strong shared commitment among leaders for providing an ambitious education
- Staff feel very supported by senior leaders
- The arrangements for safeguarding are effective
- Leaders work effectively with external agencies to secure support for pupils and their families
Letter to parents from Headteacher and Chair of Governors 03.01.23
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