Year 1 Hub
This week in Year 1:
Year 1 have been working really hard this week and are making some great progress. In Maths we have learnt about more than, less than and equal to and in DT we started to plan for our vegetables and dips.
This week in Geography we came up with a checklist on what we need to make a successful map. We decided on: a title, symbols, a compass.
In English we did some freeze framing where the children pretended to be the excited penguin from our story. We then discussed what he might say and used this to help with our writing.
Curriculum Knowledge Organisers
PE days:
Indoor: Thursday
Outdoor: Wednesday
Children should come to school wearing their PE uniform. They will stay in their PE uniform for the whole day.
Click here to read our schools Latest News
- The school day starts promptly in class at 8.55 am. Please use the soft start from 8.45 am to ensure your child is on time. If your child is late to school, bring them to the school office to sign them in.
- Children in Year 1are collected from the classroom door at 3.15pm.
- Children are provided with a healthy snack each day. If they bring their own snack to school, they must be healthy. No crisps, sweets or chocolate.
- Please make sure all belongings are labelled.
- Year 1 have a library book-changing slot on a Thursday afternoon.
Home Learning
Every Thursday, children will be set home learning. This will be posted on our class hub in the section below. Home learning should be handed in on the following Monday to allow time for it to be checked and returned before new tasks are set.
Phonics/ Spellings:
Each week a phonics letter will be uploaded to share with you, the phonics focus for the week.
Please read your child's ebook with them. Their log in details are in the front of their reading record. Follow the link and read the book: Collins reading books.
Please complete the add 0, 1 or 2 addition game on White Rose 1- minute Maths.
Follow the link: 1 Minute Maths
Password: pop-vet-hod
Children will be given log in details for Numbots. These will be stuck in the front of their maths homework books.
Next week's learning:
English: Factual sentences, thinking about characters emotions.
Maths: Fewer, less than.
In Art we looked at tints and shades. We then went and mixed white with blue to make a tint and black with blue to make a shade.