Year 4 Hub
This week in Year 4:
We marked Mental Health Awareness (all wearing yellow on Thursday) by exploring 'bounce-back-ability'! ... why resilience can help us when things don't quite go our way, and how celebrating our strengths and abilities is always very important. The children enjoyed several activities and discussions about different situations and scenarios. What could we do if....? This included discussing the importance of being there for each other, and helping spread positivity and kindness in our school and community.
We also really enjoyed starting our first 'big write' of Year 4. The children are creating their version of Anthony Browne's 'Gorilla'. Why not ask your child what a noun phrase is, ask them to give you an example of a fronted adverbial, or check in with them about how their story is developing? We have a class full of future authors!
Children have a Maths 3 times table worksheet (in books) and English work to complete for homework this week in addition to spelling words to learn. There is also optional History homework which many of the children have already shown an interest in completing. Please see below.
Curriculum Knowledge Organisers
PE days:
Tuesday and Friday (swimming)
PE uniform must be worn to school on Tuesday but is not needed to be worn for swimming. More information about swimming will be sent at the start of the Autumn Term.
Click here to read our schools Latest News
- The school day starts promptly in class at 8.55 am. Please use the soft start from 8.45 am to ensure your child is on time.
- Children should bring a water bottle to school daily.
- Year 4 have a library book-changing slot on a Friday afternoon. Normal reading books can be changed any day
- The children are able to bring in healthy snacks for break time.
Home Learning
Every Thursday, the children will be set home learning, see below. English and Maths have separate Home Learning books for the work to be completed in. Home learning should be handed in on the following Monday to allow time for it to be checked and returned before new tasks are set.
Spellings this week:
Spelling test 17th October:
1. division |
2. invasion |
3. confusion |
4. decision |
5. collision |
6. television |
7. revision |
8. erosion |
9. inclusion |
10. explosion |
Children have news maths questions - to complete in their homework books.
Children may practise their Times Table Check using Times Tables Rock Stars. Once logged in, children should click on 'Garage' and complete the 'Heatmap' games.
Link to Times Tables Rock Stars.
Ancient Greece - Gods and goddesses link
Next week's Learning:
English: Write and publish our own stories based on 'Gorilla'.
Maths: Adding and subtracting two 4-digit numbers.